Guest appearance for Yale’s President inauguration

On October 11, 2013, at 8 pm EST, Marco will join the Yale Guitars in Woolsey Hall, in a Celebration Concert, part of President Peter Salovey’s inauguration weekend. On the program, Folguedo by Celso Machado and Concerto RV 549, No 1 by Antonio Vivaldi. Broadcast live on the Yale University YouTube Channel!

Upcoming album of Brazilian chamber works.


Marco will be featured in Marc Regnier’s upcoming album of Brazilian chamber works. More info coming up.
In the picture, sound-check at Skywalker Sound in California.

“…to describe Sartor’s performance as sublime fails to give it justice… was phenomenal demonstrating great dexterity and masterful fingerwork. His nimble fingers danced on the strings as the performance exuded immense passion… the audience recognized the tremendous feat they had just witnessed giving a rousing ovation… he was mind-blowingly fantastic.”

“Piccolo introduces us to a lot of new talent, but none can top the prodigious talent of Sartor…plays with great heart…consummate skill, sparkling technique and cleanly executed embellishments… a sizzling example of sterling talent.”

Post and Courier, Charleston, SC.

“…seguramente sea el mejor concertista de guitarra uruguayo de la nueva camada… asombrosamente impecable… Sartor domina ampliamente la técnica de su instrumento y muestra, en todo momento, un equilibrio sonoro muy logrado.”

El País, Uruguay.

“Sartor’s playing was characterized by the smoothness and assurance of his technique that seemed almost casual, even in difficult moments. This contributed to the artist’s natural shaping of the musical line and the grace of the rapid figurations in the first movement… the most intimate view of Sartor’s nimble fingering, fluent long runs, and wonderfully pensive, articulate solo passages… in the rousing Finale, his rhythmic acuity was striking in staking out the movement’s opposition of guitar and orchestra. The audience loved it… a truly magical spell.”

The Buffalo News, Buffalo, NY.


“Sartor’s playing was full of color, strongly voiced and beautifully ornamented…his playing bent the musical line for expressivity, never too much and just enough. And again, the dialog with orchestra was exceptional.”

“se ha revelado como un guitarrista maduro, de una notable musicalidad y de una escuela técnica admirable. Su digitación es limpia… su enfoque musical en cada obra es sumamente interesante y su sonido es, además de cautivante, equilibrado…exploró con acertada dinámica un amplio rango de matices sonoros en su instrumento, logrando una línea melódica genuina, colmada de sutilezas.. una mirada diferente y genial a obras tantas veces escuchadas.”


“Sartor proved himself a master despite his youth as he played even single notes with artistry… played with amazing tonal control… Following a well-deserved standing ovation, Sartor graced the stage for a breathtaking encore.”

Butler Eagle, Butler, PA.

“excellent projection and mature musicianship…brilliant…displayed a large, warm sound…and dramatic sense of phrasing”

Morning Call, Allentown, PA.


“Sartor’s playing was excellent; secure, controlled and confident.”

Free-Times, Columbia, SC


“asombró… increíble refinamiento estético-digital”

Revista Sinfónica, Montevideo, Uruguay.

Recital in Uruguay with José Lemos

On August 5, Marco and José Lemos performed for a full “Sala Verdi” in Uruguay. The recital was part of the series “La Escena Vocal,” and included British and Brazilian songs. They were joined by percussionist German Gorostiaga.

Friedmann Thesis Prize at the Yale School of Music

Marco was recently awarded the Friedmann Thesis Prize at the Yale School of Music, “for a Master of Musical Arts thesis notable for its distinguished research, original perspective, in-depth engagement with its subject, and well-crafted presentation.” In the picture with him are Robert Blocker (Dean of the Yale School of Music), Matthew Welch (composer, also winner the award), and Michael Friedmann (Professor of Music, director of the Master of Musical Arts seminar).