“…to describe Sartor’s performance as sublime fails to give it justice… was phenomenal demonstrating great dexterity and masterful fingerwork. His nimble fingers danced on the strings as the performance exuded immense passion… the audience recognized the tremendous feat they had just witnessed giving a rousing ovation… he was mind-blowingly fantastic.”

“Piccolo introduces us to a lot of new talent, but none can top the prodigious talent of Sartor…plays with great heart…consummate skill, sparkling technique and cleanly executed embellishments… a sizzling example of sterling talent.”

Post and Courier, Charleston, SC.

“…seguramente sea el mejor concertista de guitarra uruguayo de la nueva camada… asombrosamente impecable… Sartor domina ampliamente la técnica de su instrumento y muestra, en todo momento, un equilibrio sonoro muy logrado.”

El País, Uruguay.