Upcoming album of Brazilian chamber works.
/in News /by KlassicStudio
Marco will be featured in Marc Regnier’s upcoming album of Brazilian chamber works. More info coming up.
In the picture, sound-check at Skywalker Sound in California.
Upcoming Soundboard Article
/in News /by KlassicStudio
Check out the upcoming Fall issue (Vol.39 No.4) of Soundboard magazine of the Guitar Foundation of America. The issue is devoted to technique, and Marco discusses methods for effective exercise practice.
Charleston Academy of Music Masterclass
/in News /by KlassicStudio
From PostAndCourier.com
The Charleston Academy of Music held its annual Summer Camp June 17-22. The weeklong camp introduced students of piano, strings and guitar to ensemble playing. Also, Yuriy Bekker and Marco Sartor held master classes for strings and guitar students. The camp culminated in a short concert at the College of Charleston Simons Center Recital Hall on June 22. Pictured (from left, front row) are Noah Shue and Tyler Finneyfrock; Second row, Rachel Guo, Catherine McLaurin, Marco Sartor (guest artist), Ulyana Machneva (instructor).
Recital in Uruguay with José Lemos
/in News /by KlassicStudio
On August 5, Marco and José Lemos performed for a full “Sala Verdi” in Uruguay. The recital was part of the series “La Escena Vocal,” and included British and Brazilian songs. They were joined by percussionist German Gorostiaga.
Friedmann Thesis Prize at the Yale School of Music
/in News /by KlassicStudio
Marco was recently awarded the Friedmann Thesis Prize at the Yale School of Music, “for a Master of Musical Arts thesis notable for its distinguished research, original perspective, in-depth engagement with its subject, and well-crafted presentation.” In the picture with him are Robert Blocker (Dean of the Yale School of Music), Matthew Welch (composer, also winner the award), and Michael Friedmann (Professor of Music, director of the Master of Musical Arts seminar).